It's funny that the few Winter Sessions that I have done are some of my favorite session. Why is it funny you wonder? BECAUSE I HATE FREAKING SNOW!! Like I severely hate it!! After living in Wisconsin for the first 24-years of my life I have truly learned to hate it. To the point of walking in snow is like nails on a chalk board. I have no interested in snowboarding, skiing, sledding. My idea of going skiing is sitting in a cabin by a fire with a hot tottie in my hand. Despite my absolute hate to be in the snow, I will admit... IT IS SO FREAKING PRETTY!! There is nothing like a picture with snow around it. So each year, I will suffer for an hour in the snow to be able to walk away with some gorgeous images! Thank you to two these two incredible girls for driving 5 hours round trip to be outside for only an hour of pictures.
Now the stuff you really want to know about, the makeup details....
Eyes: Shadow base, painterly by: MAC Cosmetics Jaclyn hill shadow palette by: Morphe Cosmetics. A must have palette! This palette will allow you to create any makeup look! Anywhere from a soft look to an all glam out look.
Skin: Foundation studio fix fluid by MAC: Perfect foundation for light-full coverage.
Strobe Cream by: MAC cosmetics The strobe cream is a moisturizer that adds a nice radiant look to any dual skin. Looks lovely just alone or add bronzer to give a lil depth to face structure.
Cheeks: Refine golden bronzer with dainty mineralized blush both by: MAC cosmetics
Lip/Lip color: Any long wearing liquid lipstick would do, especially for all the fun that you and your girlfriend will be having while playing in the snow. Lip liquids usually last anywhere from 6-8 hrs. Don’t be that person who has to keep replying lipstick and missing out on all the fun.
Eyeliner: Brushblack (the jam! quick and simple to use)
Brows: Brow pencil (for quick brows) also, quick n simple
Make sure you check out LaBelle Artistry
It's getting to be one of the most exciting times of the year and to say I'm excited would be an understatement. New York Fashion Week is rapidly approaching, the Oscars are right around the corner, and the Pantone Color of the Year has been officially announced! The gorgeous color they picked is called "Ultra Violet," and with that kind of name I think Bob Ross would be proud. Last years color of the year showed up all over red carpets, street fashion, and you probably even incorporated it into your wardrobe without realizing. So be ahead of the curve this year and check out some of my favorite ways Ultra Violet has been used already.
Make a statement with a plushy, faux fur coat. For some added edge (and just to be a lil extra) pair with some chunky combat boots.
Brightly colored hair is perfect for those of us who tend to stick to the same color palette (aka all black) but still want to have some fun with color.
Ok this whole post may have just been an excuse to post this picture of Timothée Chalamet, but who can blame me?
For those days when it's freezing in the morning and hot in the afternoon... and you also have blue hair.
A phone case that showcases just how trendy you are while also showing your artsy side, because you're just that deep.
Love the hat, love the tweed, love the latex boots. It just might be the perfect outfit.
This is an outfit that is absolutely wearable, comfortable, and the splash of color makes the whole thing come together perfectly.
Selena Gomez is a goddess that knows how to keep it simple. The purple skirt adds a little twist to the classic t-shirt, jeans, and tennies.
After searching through the internet for outfits with Ultra Violet I was completely blown away by the fact that this color is EVERYWHERE! Make sure to grab something in this gorgeous color before all the cute stuff is gone! As always, make sure to follow Katie and I on all our social media, and also comment down below what's your favorite way to style Ultra Violet!
xxx Tatianna
Know the Writer: Tatianna Apodaca is a Freshman at Grand Canyon University and is studying Digital Film with an Emphasis in Screenwriting. She has a passion for traveling, performing, and writing. Her hobbies are watching an embarrassing amount of Netflix, listening to podcasts, and acting! At home she has a pup that is smothered with love and kisses, as well as a wonderful family. She loves working with Katie, who is always a blast, and enjoys interviewing and styling all the KCP Seniors!
Follow Tatianna!
Tatianna's Instagram: @tatiannaapodaca
Tatianna's Twitter: @tatiannaapodaca
Make sure to check out Katie on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat for updates!
Twitter: @cadwalladerpics
Instagram: @cadwalladerphotography
Snapchat: katie5601
Its that time of every again. Valentines Day. A time to be excited to receive and give gifts from a significant other. Or if you’re like me, a time to panic and stress over what to get them. With all the romance in the air, it can get kind of hard to focus on what you should get your bf/gf.
The most important thing to remember about Valentine’s Day is it’s an annually thing, so if not this year, there is always next! But in the meantime, here are some helpful date/gift ideas for Vday.
First off, let’s talk about cute date ideas. If you are looking for a more laid back night, then game/movie night is the perfect date for you. This super low budget date idea not only saves you money, but it also is a great opportunity to enjoy each other’s company. All you need are some comfy clothes, snacks, a great movie, board games, and hey, build a fort while you’re at it!
Another great date idea is going to a local pottery painting place and showing off your painting skills. This is an awesome way to bring a little fun and light-heartedness to a day that seems to be more serious and romantic. Not to mention your creativity! So go take your date to paint a mug, or a plate, or even a dinosaur riding a skateboard if you're into that sort of thing (seriously, they have everything).
Lastly, a great Valentine's Day date night would be going to your bf/gf's favorite restaurant for dinner. I know, I know, dinner on Valentine's Day? So original. Although this cliche date night may be what everyone and their mothers are doing, it nonetheless can be a special and heartfelt moment. So dress up nice (or go in your pajamas, there's no judgement here) go to dinner, have some dessert while you're at it, and enjoy your Valentine's date night. After all, it's not like it's their birthday or something (unless it is, then maybe combine all three of these date nights together for that extra pizzazz).
Personally, when it comes to gifts I am more of a heartfelt kind of girl. I much rather have someone put more thought into a gift than money because the value of the gift shouldn't be about the price tag, but the effort.
With that being said, we ran a Twitter poll and it seems like a lot of people agree!
Now, here are some gift ideas that will make him/her melt and they also won't break your bank!
First we have a super cute and creative way to give your significant other a picture of you two. I would have never imagined putting a picture in a mason jar and filling it up with vegetable oil would be a great idea, but hey, I guess you do learn something new everyday. All you need for this gift is a mason jar, vegetable oil, and a picture big enough to fit. Once all the ingredients are placed in the jar, have some fun decorating the outside with some of your bf/gf's fav things.
This next gift is aimed for the ladies in particular, but if you know your man loves him some flowers, then by all means take this idea into consideration. This gift is simple but still a very cute idea. You'll need picture frame (obviously filled with a cute pic of you two), a box of chocolates, and flowers. This gift is basically the definition of basic Valentine's Day gifts, but hey, it's still an adorable idea amirite? I don't know, maybe it's just something about the Vday vibes, but no matter what kind of season it is, you can never go wrong with flowers, a cute pic, and chocolates!
Last but not least, is a necklace/keychain for your gf/bf with your initials, or both of your initials. This gift is my favorite idea and who wouldn't want to wear the initial of their boo? There are some embroidered key chains and necklaces that defeat the whole purpose of not breaking the bank. Luckily we have a beautiful thing called Amazon. The price range for both these items are anywhere from $10-$30 depending on the material and style. Although this gift can be the most expensive one out of the three, if you are willing to spend the money then I say go for it!
Leave a comment!:)
Know the Writer: Milan Andrade is a Senior at Perry High School and hopes to study Journalism after she graduates high school. Milan finds excitement for trying new things, meeting new people, and writing. On her free time she loves to hangout with friends and family, staying active, and enjoying life to the fullest. Milan also has a wicked case of Bieber Fever!
Follow Milan!
Milan's Instagram: @milanandrade
Milan's Twitter: @milankandrade
Make sure to check out Katie on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat for updates!
Twitter: @cadwalladerpics
Instagram: @cadwalladerphotography
Snapchat: katie5601
Milan & Tatianna: The KCP Bloggers
Hey guys, it's Tati again! I'm writing this, per usual, in pajamas with my hair in a rats nest and desperately wishing I could look as good as Katie manages to make me look in all her pictures. Now if you haven't read the blog before, I've been writing for KCP for almost a year now and I love working for Katie! I post anything from Senior Spotlights to college tips to ramblings about my celebrity crushes (I mean did you see Kit Harrington at the Golden Globes?!). I'm currently attending GCU and working towards my BA in Digital Film with and Emphasis in Screenwriting. My biggest hobby/love is acting, whether it's improv or student films I adore it all! I tend to consider myself a big movie buff (but honestly my fav movies are anything that star Ryan Gosling or Leo DiCaprio)! This year my biggest goals for the blog are to post more about all my favorite things; celebs, fashion, and of course, KCP seniors! I'm super stoked for this new year as we welcome on our new blogger (who is such a sweetie!), add new and exciting content, and connect even more with you guys! Make sure to comment down below, or reach out on social media if you have any posts you want to see, suggestions for the blog, or just want to chat (because let's be honest, I'd much rather be talking to you guys than listening to my professor that looks uncannily like Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World).
Hey guys! My name is Milan Andrade and I am the newest blogger to the team! I am 17-years-old and I am a senior at Perry High School. My favorite hobbies are pretty much what every teenager my age loves to do. Hangout with friends, family, sleep, and eat. But those hobbies only scratch the surface of who I am. On my freetime time I love staying active and writing in my journal. After high school I plan on attending college to study journalism in hopes to one day be in front of the camera broadcasting, or behind the scenes writing. You’re probably wondering what school I am going to for journalism and my answer to that is, I have no clue! I have applied to different schools so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see and let the chips fall where they may. Oh, and one last thing. I have insane Bieber Fever and plan on marrying Justin Bieber in the future. In my eyes, his options are between me or Selena Gomez (my bff who doesn’t know she’s my bff). Some may call this deranged, but I call it optimistic.
Know the Writer: Tatianna Apodaca is a Freshman at Grand Canyon University and is studying Digital Film with an Emphasis in Screenwriting. She has a passion for traveling, performing, and writing. Her hobbies are watching an embarrassing amount of Netflix, listening to podcasts, and acting! At home she has a pup that is smothered with love and kisses, as well as a wonderful family. She loves working with Katie, who is always a blast, and enjoys interviewing and styling all the KCP Seniors!
Follow Tatianna!
Tatianna's Instagram: @tatiannaapodaca
Tatianna's Twitter: @tatiannaapodaca
Know the Writer: Milan Andrade is a Senior at Perry High School and hopes to study Journalism after she graduates high school. Milan finds excitement for trying new things, meeting new people, and writing. On her free time she loves to hangout with friends and family, staying active, and enjoying life to the fullest. Milan also has a wicked case of Bieber Fever!
Follow Milan!
Milan's Instagram: @milanandrade
Milan's Twitter: @milankandrade
Make sure to check out Katie on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat for updates!
Twitter: @cadwalladerpics
Instagram: @cadwalladerphotography
Snapchat: katie5601
Yes, we have to suffer here in Arizona for the summer, like don't sit on anything outside suffer. BUT IT IS WORTH IT FOR OUR WINTERS!! It cracks me up that we have to wait until January and February every year to pull out our sweaters and scarves (and sometimes it is still a little too warm to do it).
Back in October we took 3 of our KCP Senior Squad Models up to Flagstaff for our Fall Outfit shoot, and of course we had to wait to post until we finally hit the temperature where we could actually wear the clothes!
Where is your favorite place to buy Fall Outfits? Mine is definite Old Navy, Vici, and Forever 21 (they always have the best sweaters). Comment below your favorites stores! We would love to share some different options!
And now, check out some of the outfits our KCP Senior Squad Models put together!