What To Wear!!

January 16, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

"I have no idea what to wear!!!"   This is the #1 thing I hear at the start of every Senior Portrait Experience.  So, lets start to break down how to decide and to help, here are some tips to help you look the best and be the most comfortable during your session!!  

#1:  Now is NOT the time to try something new!  Dress to suit you and your personality.  If you are not comfortable in your outfits, you won't be comfortable in your portraits.  Whether your style is edgy, country chic, fashion forward, or just down-right comfy, stay true to yourself, while dressing to look your best.  

#2:  TRY ON ALL YOUR OUTFITS THE NIGHT BEFORE!!  Believe me when I tell you, nothing will put a damper on your Senior Portraits then putting on one of your outfits only to realize it is too short, see through, or doesn't fit the way you want or remember.  So put your entire outfit on prior to your session (including accessories, shoes, undergarments and jewelry).  Then, pack them up neatly so nothing wrinkles and you don't forget anything.  

#3:  Packing up for your session tips:  Pack everything in a piece of luggage, keeping everything folded neatly.  If it wrinkles easily, keep it on a hanger. Put all your accessories for each outfit in a ziplock bag, then you can keep each outfit's accessories organized and separated.   Try keeping the entire outfit and accessories together while packing, so you don't forget anything during the photoshoot and everything is easy to find.  

#4:  Remember, your nails and hair are an accessory that day, so make sure your roots and nails (toes included if you have any open toe shoes) are the way you want!

#5:  Outfit Tip for the ladies:  Make sure some part of your outfit is fitted.  I know we all love those flowy dresses, but they are not always the most flattering in a portrait.  If you are remotely self-conscious make sure some part of your outfit is fitted, ie: jeans, top or use a belt to show you figure.  

#6: I can't say this enough:  ACCESSORIES, ACCESSORIES, ACCESSORIES!!  You might not wear them daily, but when you are putting your outfit together think about how you can model that outfit.  Seriously, stand in front of the mirror and try doing 10 different poses changing up your hands?  Hats, scarves, jackets, bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, head pieces, jeans/shorts with pockets!  Try and have 1 or 2 of those in each outfit.  Sports equipments, animals, cars, just to name some ideas for other accessories you can include in your portrait.  These help show your personality and will definitely help you feel more comfortable in posing.  

Now check out some of the incredible outfits that we have seen for Class of 2017 thus far!!  




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