KCP One Word Resolutions & NYE Lookbook

January 03, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

2018 is here and that means new and exciting things for KCP! We are welcoming a new blogger to the KCP family (don't worry though, I'll still be posting all about my efforts, and subsequent failures, to be as perfect as the Kardashians) and will be posting more than ever! Coming later this week we will be introducing our new blogger, Milan, to all y'all with a super fun photo shoot! Until then, enjoy this New Year's Resolution post, we are all so stoked to begin this new year and hope you'll all be along for the ride ;) 

But before we get into the blog post, here are a few of our favorite NYE looks from a few members of the KCP Senior Squad

Now! Down to business!! NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS!..... yuck, I know.... BUT Katie, being the genius she is, has put a totally unique and awesome twist on the New Years Resolutions that you usually ditch by February (or if you're like me, you procrastinate a resolution until February 1st and give up by the 2nd). Her twist was inspired by a friend of hers on Facebook who is uber motivational and manages to do more in a week with her resolution than most do in a year. So here it is: each year she picks one word that she wants to model the upcoming year after and apply to as many aspects to her life as possible! And this is exactly what the KCP family has decided to do this year! Here are our One Word Resolutions!


2018 for Katie is all about doing, being, and feeling BETTER! Upon hearing her word I was immediately jealous I hadn't picked it myself, but also so inspired by how honest she was! It can be hard to change and grow, but ultimately, you'll always come out the other side a BETTER person (see what I did there???). So follow Katie's lead and be honest with yourself when picking your word, 2018 is your year!


  • Better business owner
  • Better at separating business from family and being more present for each 
  • Better eating, skincare, and self-care habits
  • Be in a Better financial position

"Basically, in 2018, I want to make choices that will help Better my life in all aspects." -Katie Welter 


Milan's word for 2018 is more than just having Power, but having the Power to do things for others and herself. Often times we give other people so much power over our lives and allow our power to be chipped away until we feel drained for seemingly no reason. So think hard about how your word could affect all aspects of your life and remember that it's YOUR life, YOUR progress, YOUR word. 


  • Power to remain confident 
  • Power to stay healthy
  • Power to remain myself
  • Power to unapologetically follow my dreams and move towards my goals


Sometimes we get so caught up in the monotony of our daily life that we can forget what we really want. And for me this year is all about working harder, striving towards my goals, and doing MORE! It's ok to ask MORE of yourself and others, have the confidence to be relentless to reach what you want and need. 


  • Learn More
  • Connect with the people I love More
  • Work toward my career More
  • ....workout, eat well, and all that "your body is a temple" stuff More :/ 

"I want to do More this year so that I can grow as a person, a friend, a sibling, a daughter, an actress, and a writer. Whenever I feel like slacking off, I can motivate myself with just one word. More." -me

I hope you found some motivation and inspiration from our One Word Resolutions and make sure to let us know your word either down in the comments below, on either of our Instagram's, or on Katie's Twitter! Now go off into the world, show your power, be better, and do more! 


Know the Writer: Tatianna Apodaca is a Freshman at Grand Canyon University and is studying Digital Film with an Emphasis in Screenwriting. She has a passion for traveling, performing, and writing. Her hobbies are watching an embarrassing amount of Netflix, listening to podcasts, and acting! At home she has a pup that is smothered with love and kisses, as well as a wonderful family. She loves working with Katie, who is always a blast, and enjoys interviewing and styling all the KCP Seniors!

Follow Tatianna!

Tatianna's Instagram: @tatiannaapodaca

Tatianna's Twitter: @tatiannaapodaca


Make sure to check out Katie on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat for updates!

Twitter: @cadwalladerpics

Instagram: @cadwalladerphotography

Snapchat: katie5601



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